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Reactive wrapper for focus-trap

For more info on what options can be passed see createOptions in the focus-trap docs.


available in add-on @vueuse/integrations


Basic Usage

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useFocusTrap } from '@vueuse/integrations/useFocusTrap'

const target = ref()
const { hasFocus, activate, deactivate } = useFocusTrap(target)

    <button @click="activate()">Activate</button>
    <div ref="target">
      <span>Has Focus: {{ hasFocus }}</span>
      <input type="text" />
      <button @click="deactivate()">Deactivate</button>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useFocusTrap } from '@vueuse/integrations/useFocusTrap'

const target = ref()
const { hasFocus, activate, deactivate } = useFocusTrap(target)

    <button @click="activate()">Activate</button>
    <div ref="target">
      <span>Has Focus: {{ hasFocus }}</span>
      <input type="text" />
      <button @click="deactivate()">Deactivate</button>

Automatically Focus

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useFocusTrap } from '@vueuse/integrations/useFocusTrap'

const target = ref()
const { hasFocus, activate, deactivate } = useFocusTrap(target, { immediate: true })

    <div ref="target">...</div>
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { useFocusTrap } from '@vueuse/integrations/useFocusTrap'

const target = ref()
const { hasFocus, activate, deactivate } = useFocusTrap(target, { immediate: true })

    <div ref="target">...</div>

Using Component

This function can't properly activate focus on elements with conditional rendering. In this case, you can use the UseFocusTrap component. Focus Trap will be activated automatically on mounting this component and deactivated on unmount.

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { UseFocusTrap } from '@vueuse/integrations/useFocusTrap/component'

const show = ref(false)

  <UseFocusTrap v-if="show">
    <div class="modal">...</div>

<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { UseFocusTrap } from '@vueuse/integrations/useFocusTrap/component'

const show = ref(false)

  <UseFocusTrap v-if="show">
    <div class="modal">...</div>

Type Declarations

Show Type Declarations
export interface UseFocusTrapOptions extends Options {
   * Immediately activate the trap
  immediate?: boolean
export interface UseFocusTrapReturn {
   * Indicates if the focus trap is currently active
  hasFocus: Ref<boolean>
   * Indicates if the focus trap is currently paused
  isPaused: Ref<boolean>
   * Activate the focus trap
   * @see
   * @param opts Activate focus trap options
  activate: (opts?: ActivateOptions) => void
   * Deactivate the focus trap
   * @see
   * @param opts Deactivate focus trap options
  deactivate: (opts?: DeactivateOptions) => void
   * Pause the focus trap
   * @see
  pause: Fn
   * Unpauses the focus trap
   * @see
  unpause: Fn
 * Reactive focus-trap
 * @see
 * @param target The target element to trap focus within
 * @param options Focus trap options
 * @param autoFocus Focus trap automatically when mounted
export declare function useFocusTrap(
  target: MaybeElementRef,
  options?: UseFocusTrapOptions
): UseFocusTrapReturn
export interface UseFocusTrapOptions extends Options {
   * Immediately activate the trap
  immediate?: boolean
export interface UseFocusTrapReturn {
   * Indicates if the focus trap is currently active
  hasFocus: Ref<boolean>
   * Indicates if the focus trap is currently paused
  isPaused: Ref<boolean>
   * Activate the focus trap
   * @see
   * @param opts Activate focus trap options
  activate: (opts?: ActivateOptions) => void
   * Deactivate the focus trap
   * @see
   * @param opts Deactivate focus trap options
  deactivate: (opts?: DeactivateOptions) => void
   * Pause the focus trap
   * @see
  pause: Fn
   * Unpauses the focus trap
   * @see
  unpause: Fn
 * Reactive focus-trap
 * @see
 * @param target The target element to trap focus within
 * @param options Focus trap options
 * @param autoFocus Focus trap automatically when mounted
export declare function useFocusTrap(
  target: MaybeElementRef,
  options?: UseFocusTrapOptions
): UseFocusTrapReturn




Anthony Fu
Roman Harmyder
Alex Kozack


v7.5.1 on 12/31/2021
c6abd - fix: stricter eslint rules
v7.0.1 on 11/22/2021
8e0f4 - fix(useFocuseTrap): types import path
v6.6.1 on 10/16/2021
bdea8 - feat(UseFocusTrap): component (#820)
v6.3.2 on 9/8/2021
4fbe8 - fix: update linter rule, close #729
useFocusTrap has loaded