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Listen for clicks outside of an element. Useful for modal or dropdown.




  <div ref="target">
    Hello world
    Outside element

import { ref } from 'vue'
import { onClickOutside } from '@vueuse/core'

export default {
  setup() {
    const target = ref(null)

    onClickOutside(target, (event) => console.log(event))

    return { target }
  <div ref="target">
    Hello world
    Outside element

import { ref } from 'vue'
import { onClickOutside } from '@vueuse/core'

export default {
  setup() {
    const target = ref(null)

    onClickOutside(target, (event) => console.log(event))

    return { target }

This function uses Event.composedPath() which is NOT supported by IE 11, Edge 18 and below. If you are targeting these browsers, we recommend you to include this code snippet on your project.

Component Usage

This function also provides a renderless component version via the @vueuse/components package. Learn more about the usage.

<OnClickOutside @trigger="count++">
    Click Outside of Me
<OnClickOutside @trigger="count++">
    Click Outside of Me

Directive Usage

This function also provides a directive version via the @vueuse/components package. Learn more about the usage.

<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { vOnClickOutside } from '@vueuse/components'

const modal = ref(false)
function closeModal() {
  modal.value = false


  <button @click="modal = true">
    Open Modal
  <div v-if="modal" v-on-click-outside="closeModal">
    Hello World
<script setup lang="ts">
import { ref } from 'vue'
import { vOnClickOutside } from '@vueuse/components'

const modal = ref(false)
function closeModal() {
  modal.value = false


  <button @click="modal = true">
    Open Modal
  <div v-if="modal" v-on-click-outside="closeModal">
    Hello World

Type Declarations

export interface OnClickOutsideOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
   * List of elements that should not trigger the event.
  ignore?: MaybeElementRef[]
   * Use capturing phase for internal event listener.
   * @default true
  capture?: boolean
   * Run handler function if focus moves to an iframe.
   * @default false
  detectIframe?: boolean
 * Listen for clicks outside of an element.
 * @see
 * @param target
 * @param handler
 * @param options
export declare function onClickOutside<T extends OnClickOutsideOptions>(
  target: MaybeElementRef,
  handler: <
    E = T["detectIframe"] extends true
      ? PointerEvent | FocusEvent
      : PointerEvent
    evt: E
  ) => void,
  options?: T
): (() => void) | undefined
export interface OnClickOutsideOptions extends ConfigurableWindow {
   * List of elements that should not trigger the event.
  ignore?: MaybeElementRef[]
   * Use capturing phase for internal event listener.
   * @default true
  capture?: boolean
   * Run handler function if focus moves to an iframe.
   * @default false
  detectIframe?: boolean
 * Listen for clicks outside of an element.
 * @see
 * @param target
 * @param handler
 * @param options
export declare function onClickOutside<T extends OnClickOutsideOptions>(
  target: MaybeElementRef,
  handler: <
    E = T["detectIframe"] extends true
      ? PointerEvent | FocusEvent
      : PointerEvent
    evt: E
  ) => void,
  options?: T
): (() => void) | undefined




Anthony Fu
Alex Kozack


v8.9.2 on 7/12/2022
70160 - feat: add detectIframe option (#1795)
v8.7.0 on 6/16/2022
1988e - fix: avoid calling safari workaround on right click (#1673)
v8.4.0 on 5/3/2022
89c9e - fix: fallback to pointerup event if click event not propagate (#1522)
v8.1.0 on 3/16/2022
c31b0 - feat: customizable phase (#1406)
v8.0.0-beta.3 on 3/8/2022
66cef - fix: should work normal w/ directive (#1366)
v7.6.0 on 2/8/2022
c275a - feat: add ignore option (#1205)
v7.0.0 on 11/20/2021
2ff6c - refactor!: listen click event, remove event option (#817)
v6.4.0 on 9/17/2021
e557f - feat: added 'as' prop to renderable components (#742)
v6.1.0 on 9/2/2021
9548a - feat: whitelist click event (#693)
onClickOutside has loaded